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Browsing Tag: Young Women’s

A Lasting Gift

Many years ago I taught the Bee Hives in the Young Women’s program, a calling I loved.  I learned to love each of those girls and thoroughly enjoyed being with them.  One Sunday, on Father’s Day, I asked each girl how she knew her father loved her.  There was one response I particularly remember.  She  said “I know my dad loves me because he likes to spend time with me.”  I have thought about this response over the years.  I knew her father and he was a busy man.  He owned his own business, had busy church callings and had 5 other children beside her and yet she knew he loved her because he liked spending time with her.  And interesting to me is that he didn’t spend time with her while he was on his phone, watching TV or being distracted in numerous ways because she knew he LIKED to spend time with her.  He was really present when they were together and he conveyed the message that he really enjoyed being with her.  What a wonderful gift he gave her, and this is something I need to be better at.