When my children were younger they would usually listen to General Conference but they didn’t read the Ensign or New Era conference issues and study the talks. One of the things I found helpful to bring the talks to them was to type up quotes and post them in my kitchen. As I would read the talks I would mark quotes or ideas I thought would be good to post. Every week, sometimes even longer if I didn’t have my life together (frequently) or if there was a quote I particularly liked, I would flip through the conference issue and find the things I marked and choose another quote. I typed and printed it and then posted it in the kitchen, and since I had already marked the quotes, this only took a few minutes. At one point I realized there were so many good quotes that I started doing two and put them in different areas of the kitchen. When one of my daughters was a teenager she told me that she really liked having those quotes posted and she read them frequently, it helped her in her life, and that she even tried to memorize them. I also hoped that it positively influenced some of my children who were struggling, and it was a way of preaching without preaching. The funny thing is that I think I benefited the most from the quotes. I would read and reread them as I worked in the kitchen and the words sank deeply into my heart and I was able to ponder on them. I frequently thought about how I could implement the ideas and thoughts into my life, and some of the promises I clung to and still do. This has been an easy and simple way to bring conference to my family.
If I could wave a magic wand and undo some things, one of the things I would undo would be how I handled the dishes after dinner when my kids were teenagers. In my mind my kids were busy with homework and other equally important activities so after dinner I would usually clean off the table and do the dishes. They had their after school jobs already done and I thought I was facilitating getting homework done. In reality I was teaching them to be oblivious to cleaning up after dinner. Even as adults, after family dinners they would leave the kitchen and gather in the family room to visit and play games. I would start cleaning up already tired from food prep and cooking for a large group while hearing laughter and talking and fun going on. If I asked for help someone would gladly come in and do one thing and then go back to the group. At first I was upset by this but since these kids of mine are usually kind and helpful people, I thought about it and decided that it didn’t even occur to anyone to help clean up, and it was because I had trained them to be oblivious. After discussing the situation, everyone has been much better at helping clean up, with bringing food and working together, and now there’s laughter and talking and fun going on while we’re cleaning up from dinner. Hmmm, maybe I do have a magic wand after all!