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Browsing Tag: good neighbors

Parade of Homes

Every June my husband and I used to go to the Parade of Homes that was held in our county.  I liked to see the latest in home design and decor and fantasize about the home I would have some day.  These homes were decorated perfectly and had new appliances and looked great because there was no mess and no one’s stuff “decorating” the house.  Usually I would come home and feel dissatisfied with my house.  I would be irritated that my house didn’t have the latest garbage disposal or the best stove or endless cabinets to store things in or a beautiful couch fitting into an overall decor scheme, and of course there was lots of “evidence” of people living in our house.  When I really thought about it I realized I had a nice home and nothing had changed but my attitude.  It didn’t have the latest and greatest but it did have many nice features and was in a good neighborhood with great neighbors.  My solution?  I quit going to the Parade of Homes and decided to be happy with what I had.