Recently I had the opportunity to witness the birth of my newest granddaughter, something that I find absolutely amazing and inspiring! Last year when my daughter let me be there when her daughter was born I found the event to be incredibly touching, beautiful and spiritual. I had always been at the other end of the baby business and even though I have 8 children, had never seen one born. It was so amazing that I wondered how I could convince my other children to let me be present at future births. When my son and his wife announced they were expecting, I asked my son to ask his wife (she wasn’t feeling good so she wasn’t present) to just consider the possibility of letting me be there. Since she’s a very private and reserved person, I wanted to give her time to think about it. He went home and called me back in a few minutes and said she would love to have me there. I couldn’t believe she didn’t even need time to think about it because if my mother-in-law, even though she is a great person, had asked me that I certainly would have wanted to think about it. Our newest addition to our family is now 2 weeks old and she’s beautiful. Her parents sit and just watch her breathe. They are in awe of her and already their lives and priorities have changed because of their willingness to serve her with unconditional love. So to my daughter-in-law I say thank you! Thank you for putting aside your privacy and allowing me to graciously share this moment with you. Thank you for becoming an important part of our family, one who we love. Thank you for loving my son, thank you for being you.
When I was a freshman at BYU I met this young woman who in looking at her was not very attractive. She was scrawny with poor posture. Her hair was cut in an a very unflattering way and it was frizzy and very apparent she didn’t know what to do with it. She had white spots on her front teeth and scars all over her face from acne. She was what someone might call homely. One day she introduced me to her fiancĂ© who was tall, good looking and even dressed nicely and I remember thinking “what does he see in her?” As I got to know her I noticed how kind she was, how she was the first to volunteer to help someone and how positive she was. She always had kind things to say about others. She was truly a joy to be around and I grew to respect her greatly. As I got to know her fiancĂ© I realized he was pretty corny, and not very bright so it was difficult to have a conversation with him and he seemed a little self-absorbed. One day when I was working with her on a project he came over and when I saw the two of them together I remember thinking “what does she ever see in him” and then of course laughed at myself when I realized the complete turn around that I had down. Sometimes when I first meet people it’s easy to see only their outward appearance, and I have found that I’m often wrong in my judgement of them, for good or bad. She taught me what true beauty is.