
I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, also known as Mormons.  I love the gospel.  It just makes sense to me and I am deeply committed to my church. It teaches me why I am here on this earth and what I need to be doing to live with my Heavenly Father again. It teaches me that I have a Heavenly Father who loves me as does my Savior, Jesus Christ.  It teaches me that Jesus Christ loved me enough to atone for my sins and that I can repent and become a better person.  It teaches me that true happiness comes from keeping the commandments and serving others.  That doesn’t mean that I don’t have questions or things I don’t understand but it does mean that I believe in time that if I study about my questions, pray and exercise faith that most of my questions will be answered.  It also means that I recognize that there are questions that can only be answered in the next life and so I again exercise faith that someday I will have the answers, even if it’s after I die.  Of course my spiritual beliefs have and will influence my writings and posts. A lot of the things I have learned in my life are colored through the lenses of the gospel of Christ, but I think those lenses have helped me see more clearly.