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Daily Archives: February 8, 2018

Families are Forever, or Does it Just Seem Like it…

Many years ago, when my children were young, my family and I sat in a church meeting that had a “families can be together forever” theme.  During that meeting my children were rude and mean to each other, obnoxious and just down right ill reverent. By the end of the meeting I was worn out and turn to my husband and said “families can be together forever, is that a promise or a threat?”  That day it felt more like threat. People used to tell me that my children wouldn’t be young forever and that the years would fly by and to just enjoy them while they were young, and I thought “they are wrong, I will always have young kids!”  It was exhausting because all I did from the time I got up until I fell into bed at night was kids, kids and kids.  But you know what, those people were right!  The years have flown by and those same fighting, obnoxious kids are now each others best friends and I’m not sure when or how that happened.  Now when we gather there is laughter, and fun and just enjoying each other, and even occasionally there are still squabbles (we’re still far from perfect). So were all of the sleepless nights, sheer exhaustion and refereeing worth it?  I would do it all again only this time with a clearer vision of the future and I would worry less and enjoy the small moments more, because after all, families can be together forever, and that’s a promise.