Joseph Smith once said “Teach them correct principles and let them govern themselves.” I had heard this statement many times pondered about it when some of my children were making choices that I didn’t like. I felt like I had taught them to do good and be good yet they were still making unwise choices and I couldn’t figure out what I was doing wrong. Maybe I hadn’t set a good enough example or maybe I hadn’t taught clearly enough important principles to guide their lives by or maybe I just hadn’t taught them in the right way or taught them enough. I prayed and pondered and stewed over it for several years and then one day while I was driving and thinking about it the thought came into my head “Teach them correct principles and then they get to choose.” I had been interpreting the quote the wrong way. I had always thought it meant “teach them correct principles and then they will choose to do right.” What an eye opener and game changer. Yes, I could probably teach more clearly and be a better example but as I continued to do my best to teach good principles to live their lives by I was doing all I could. The rest was and is up to them.
I was fondly remembering the other day when my kids were little and we did…
I am not a morning person and I don’t like getting up early…
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