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Daily Archives: January 23, 2018


Years ago, when my husband and I had only been married for a few years, I told him that he was the most unromantic person I knew.  He didn’t bring me flowers or want to go dancing, we didn’t do quiet dinners in romantic places and there was no candle light to be seen anywhere in our home.  I think I hurt his feelings with this announcement because he still remembers it and talks about occasionally.  It took me a while but then I noticed that he would call me during the day just to say hi, and this was before cell phones. Sometimes when it was cold at night he would get into bed and lay on my side to warm it up so I wouldn’t have to get into a cold bed.  Often he would ask me to run errands with him just so we could spend a little time together and he always remembered that I like the soup spoon instead of the teaspoon to eat with and made sure that’s what I got when he set the table.  One day it dawned on me that I had bought into how the world defined romance with flowers, candlelight and dancing and that real romance was something much deeper.  It was the simple, sweet expression of love in little ways that he showed for me that was there all along and I hadn’t noticed it.  Turns out he’s the most romantic person I know!