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Daily Archives: January 11, 2018

To Do Lists

I am an organized person.  I naturally think in structured ways to accomplish things and I make lists of things to do, and I take great pleasure in crossing things off of my list that I get done.  Sometimes my lists of things to do include so many things to get done that not only would it be impossible to accomplish everything in one day but it would be hard to get the whole list done in a week. On some days with a large family it was often very difficult to even make a list of to do things and then I would beat myself up for not making a list or not getting everything done on my list.  Then one day at bedtime I decided to make a list of the things I did get done that day and I included even little things on the list such as doing the dishes, helping a child with homework, feeding hungry children three meals and snacks, reading with my children as well as  talking with a friend who needed a listening ear,  buying shoes for one of my children and even sweeping the floor. I realized I did do a lot that day and actually felt good about what I had gotten done and told myself to quit imposing impossible standards for myself (a work in progress), and of course with great satisfaction I crossed everything off of that list!