The first several years of our marriage my husband and I had very little money and had to watch our spending very carefully. I found that when I went shopping I often saw things I liked and wanted to buy and if I bought them, and we really didn’t have the money for it, I was stressed and not happy. The solution for me was to not go to the store except when absolutely necessary and then to only buy just what I needed and get out quickly. By staying out of stores I didn’t see all the cute things I wanted to buy for my children or home and then didn’t feel badly that I couldn’t afford them. Peace of mind by being financially solvent and responsible far out weighed the momentary pleasure of buying something cute.
There is a quote attributed to Abraham Lincoln that I particularly like: “We can…
Nicole | 10th Jul 18
Such good advice!
Somethingsihavelearned | 12th Jul 18
Allie | 16th Feb 19
But Target is so fun to walk around in!
Somethingsihavelearned | 16th Feb 19
It’s one of my favorite stores but not when I don’t have any money. I see all of the cute stuff I can’t buy and then I feel sad. Life’s easier when I stay out of stores when I don’t have extra money to spend.