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Daily Archives: September 14, 2017

Praying Over Everything

In both the Bible and the Book of Mormon we are taught to pray. In Luke 18:1 we are taught to pray always and in Alma, in the Book of Mormon, Amulek teaches us that we should pray over everything including the crops of our fields.  Many years ago I bought 2 grapevines and planted them in my back yard.  My husband built a little fence for them to grow on, and my neighbor, who had grapevines, told me that I needed to prune them.  She gave me instructions on how to prune them and I went to work.  I had her look at the first one I pruned to see if I did it the right way and she told me that not only I had done it the wrong way and should have waited until March, and that the vine would bleed to death.  She then showed me the proper way to prune the grapes on the other vine, which I waited until March to do.  Worried about the dying vine I decided to pray about it.  I prayed that despite my ignorance in pruning it that it would live and I would yet be able to harvest grapes from it.  I prayed about it for several months, even after properly pruning the other vine.  I continued to pray as they leafed out and grapes appeared. Come October I had beautiful grapes and not only did my grapevine not die it produced double the grapes than the one that had been properly pruned.  I enjoyed making jelly and bottling juice because I knew that my prayers had been answered.  Of course our “crops” today are usually not grapes but the jobs we do.  We can pray about our efforts at work and for help with specific problems related to not only our jobs but all areas and aspects of our lives.  Prayer works!